A Glimpse into the Past Astralis first put its spot in the European League of Legends league up for sale in 2022. Despite the organization’s hefty...
GameSquare Holdings Inc. announced its decision to acquire the renowned esports company, FaZe Clan. This acquisition comes as a strategic move to rejuvenate FaZe Clan, which...
In recent years, the expansion of the gaming market, driven in part by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led companies to adopt various measures to secure a...
A&O and Shearman partners have endorsed a merger, signaling also a strategic move to strengthen their presence in the esports and gaming sector. On 13 October...
In a pivotal development for the cloud gaming industry, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has greenlit a restructured deal, allowing Ubisoft to acquire Activision’s cloud...
Color Star Technology Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: ADD), a prominent player in the entertainment technology sector, has announced its intentions to acquire a significant stake in JingXiang...
In a strategic move, Esports Entertainment Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: GMBL) has unveiled a dual financial maneuver. The company has not only entered into a securities purchase...