In the highly competitive realm of esports, integrity and fair play are paramount. However, instances of misconduct occasionally surface, undermining the spirit of competition and necessitating...
In a situation more resembling a cyberpunk story than an esports competition, the Apex Legends North American Finals were disrupted by a complex hack. This was...
The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has recently updated the esports community about an important development in the appeal case of Peter “casle” Ardenskjold.
The popular esports team, GodLike Esports, has been disqualified from the Skyesports BGMI Champions Series 2024 due to a serious rule violation known as "ringing." This...
The pursuit of athletic excellence has long been intertwined with challenges to maintain fairness and uphold the true spirit of competition. While traditional doping practices have...
Riot Games responds to the escalating issues of cheating, scripting, and disruptive behavior in League of Legends by introducing Vanguard, their official anti-cheat software.
As eSports rapidly evolves into a recognized sporting discipline, its inclusion as a medal sport at the Hangzhou Asian Games and the successful conclusion of the...