The International Esports Federation (IeSF), an organization pivotal in the legal recognition of eSports globally, is currently embroiled in a major financial scandal. This controversy revolves...
Consumers are now eligible to stake a claim in a USD 245 million Fortnite reimbursement, as announced by the FTC. Here's a guide on how to...
Fortnite Russian professional players Daniil "Рutrick" Abdrakhmanov and Egor "Swizzy" Luciko face a setback from Epic Games. Despite their victory in the Fortnite Champion Series Major...
The esports industry has gone through a meteoric development over the last years. As the industry is maturing betting on esports matches and tournament is on...
Stephen Miller's Conservative Group Challenges Activision Blizzard's Hiring Practices
Vietnamese Powerhouse Faces Allegations of Unpaid Salaries and Match-Fixing
Swiss Esports Federation (SESF) plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of esports in Switzerland The Journey to Legislation After rigorous discussions in the Swiss...