Epic Games has reached a settlement in the lawsuit filed by renowned pop choreographer Kyle Hanagami. The lawsuit accused the video game giant of unlawfully incorporating...
Epic Games, the renowned developer of Fortnite and Rocket League, has come under legal scrutiny due to its in-game "loot box" offerings. Loot boxes, a prevalent...
In a landmark ruling that could reshape the landscape of copyright law in the digital age, Los Angeles choreographer Kyle Hanagami recently won his appeal against...
Consumers are now eligible to stake a claim in a USD 245 million Fortnite reimbursement, as announced by the FTC. Here's a guide on how to...
Fortnite Russian professional players Daniil "Рutrick" Abdrakhmanov and Egor "Swizzy" Luciko face a setback from Epic Games. Despite their victory in the Fortnite Champion Series Major...
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