The remarkable success of Palworld has sparked discussions online, drawing comparisons between the game and Pokémon. Speculations have arisen regarding potential legal implications due to their...
Uncover the mysterious synergy between Alan Wake 2's Dark Place and Twin Peaks' Black Lodge, exploring their narrative parallels and the legal nuances of creative influence...
Mikael Westerling, co-founder of GRID, discusses how official data is the linchpin for the success and sustainability of esports betting. GRID specializes in live esports data...
Popular gaming YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren, commonly known as Ludwig, recently found himself in a legal quagmire with Nintendo. The gaming giant sent him what he describes...
Ubisoft has made a significant move in the gaming industry by securing permanent streaming rights for several major titles.
In the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of esports, legal considerations have become increasingly pivotal. From player contracts to intellectual property rights, the legal landscape of...
A recent study spearheaded by researchers from Queen Mary University of London and the University of Bristol delves into the intricate world of copyright infringement and...
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